
Our experience at the service of our client


We have advised clients in civil litigation and regarding complex contracts, termination rights, consumer rights, collections, real estate laws, debt refinancing, property clearance, land division and environmental related matters. Our work includes corporate structuring, administrative defenses and representation before governmental entities and regulatory agencies.

  • We have extensive and successful experience in litigation against health insurance companies in connection with coverage of illnesses, treatments and medicines very often rejected by the insurers.

  • We assist clients on administrative name rectification and changes, usually in connection with applications for Italian citizenship.


We develop a modern up-to-date advocacy in line with the most recent changes in the labor relations and legislation including related social security issues, which has permitted us to secure positive results for our clients in the specialized Labor Courts and the Social Security Institute. We offer consulting and preventative solutions for Human Resources, analysis and drafting employment and outsourcing contracts.


The increasing complexity of familial relations today more than ever demands a great deal of care and dedication from the advising professional. This propels our vision for the need of a more personalized and dedicated legal assistance that take account for the unique dynamics of each family and their business. We have vast experience on marital regimes and prenuptial agreements, separation and divorce, alimony, parenthood and visiting rights, paternity and cohabiting couple rights and pitfalls, in addition to emotionally more delicate matters such as interdiction, tutorship and parental alienation.


The diversity of our practices is a differentiating factor. Example of such is our unique experience in Electoral and Political Laws. We have assisted in connection with issues involving political parties and candidates as well. We have acted intensely with proposed law drafting, as well as related decrees and regulations, public bid terms, administrative contracts and expropriations, defense in administrative inquiries and class actions (i.e., for abuse of authority) including petitioning before the Audit Court and the State and higher courts and Permanent Committees.

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