About us

Experience, Transparency, Agility and Professionalism

A bit of history

In a highly competitive world in constant digital change, where the speed of information sharing and decision-making is the difference, Mendonça Molinari was born out of a desire to create an efficient and fully digitized legal service that would make it possible to be shoulder-to-shoulder with the client at all times.

There is today a true disconnect between the need for Justice and the perception of what is Justice in the minds of the citizens. This perception clashes with the reality lived by lawyers, judges and civil servants who make up for the Brazilian legal system. Thus, we resolved to create a fully digital work methodology focused on client empathy, defining services and attention highly personalized and of the utmost quality.  Everything we do starts and ends with the client’s interest and priorities. It’s for the client that we seek the best results based on transparency and boldness at all times.

This is the Vision of Mendonça Molinari, which is completed by the Mission of executing everything with the highest level of Excellence and Ethics, always guided by the strategic vision of the founders.

Ulisses Maciel Peixoto Mendonça

Mr. Mendonça has accumulated experience in both Public and Private law matters having worked in legal departments of large corporates and well-known law firms. He was Legal Advisor to the City of São Paulo Secretariat of Environment (Secretaria Municipal do Verde e Meio Ambiente – SVMA) from 2013 to 2017. Served as in-house counsel for Grupo Votorantim (2010-2013), focusing on litigation and legal consulting. In addition to other significant community engagements and pro bono work, Mr. Mendonça was also appointed an effective member of the Special Relations Committee of the São Paulo City Council (2019-2021). Mr. Mendonça has a master degree in Political and Economic Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – UPM (2024). He holds a post graduate degree in Constitutional Law from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP – EPM (2015); in addition to postgraduate degrees in Electoral Law and Electoral Procedure from the Escola Judiciaria Eleitoral Paulista – EJEP, in partnership with the Escola Paulista da Magistratura – EPM (2020) and Administrative Law from the Escola Superior de Gestão e Contas Públicas of the Court of Auditors of the municipality of São Paulo – TCMSP (2024). Obtained his degree of Juris Doctor from the Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU, class of 2009. Admitted to the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Chapter (2010).

Laura Molinari

Mrs. Molinari has broad knowledge and experience on international matters having lived and studied for many years in Italy and the United States. She has traveled extensively, which has given her a unique global strategic vision. She worked in the Legal Department of Liquigás Distribuidora S.A. (1998-2010). Associate Lawyer at the prominent firm of Halembeck e Barros in São Paulo (2014), specialized in Corporate Law as well as Mergers and Acquisitions. Partner of Martins Miguel (2017) a boutique firm specialized on Labor and Social Security Laws. Postgraduate in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV (2023). In addition to her legal skills, Mrs. Molinari is also a sworn public translator Italian-Portuguese and experienced in matters involving Italian citizenship and immigration having advised on several complex matters. Her education includes an Executive Business Administration degree from the Berkeley University, California (1996-1997). She also graduated in English Language and Literature at the University of Padova, Italy (1991-1996), receiving the Degree of Bachelor in English Language and Literature. Mrs. Molinari received her J.D. in 2009 from the Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU (2005-2009), São Paulo. Fluent in Italian, English and Portuguese. Admitted to the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Chapter (2010).

Douglas Telpis Ferrante

Consultant lawyer
Lawyer admitted to the Brazilian Bar Association with advisory and litigation activities in Business and Tax Law. Postgraduate Professor in Business Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Previously worked at Machado Meyer Advogados (2015-2017) and Demarest Advogados (2017-2019). PhD student in Economic Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Master in Economic Law (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie). Master’s student in Tax Law – LLM (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas). MBA in Digital Business at the University of São Paulo – USP. MBA in Tax Management at the University of São Paulo – USP. Specialist in Business Law at University Getúlio Vargas -FGV. Specialist (postgraduate) in Digital Business at Getúlio Vargas University – FGV. Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Member of the legal studies nucleus of IBRAC (Brazilian Institute of Studies on Competition, Consumption and International Trade) and ITALCAM (Italian Chamber of Commerce of São Paulo – ITALCAM) Author of books and articles in the areas of Business and Economic Law. Fluent in English and Portuguese.

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